Source code for ccc.calculator

Cost-of-Capital-Calculator Calculator class.

# pycodestyle
# pylint --disable=locally-disabled
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-value-for-parameter,too-many-lines

import copy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from ccc.calcfunctions import (
from ccc.parameters import Specification, DepreciationParams
from import Assets
from ccc.utils import wavg, diff_two_tables, save_return_table
from ccc.constants import (

# import pdb
# importing Bokeh libraries
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.transform import dodge
from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.models.widgets import RadioButtonGroup
from bokeh.models.tickers import FixedTicker
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, column

# import styles and callback
from ccc.styles import PLOT_FORMATS, TITLE_FORMATS, RED, BLUE
from ccc.controls_callback_script import CONTROLS_CALLBACK_SCRIPT

[docs] class Calculator: """ Constructor for the Calculator class. Args: p (CCC Specifications class object): contains parameters, this argument must be specified and object is copied for internal use dp (CCC Depreciation Parameters class object): contains parameters descripting depreciation rules for each asset, this argument must be specified and object is copied for internal use assets (CCC Assets class object): contains asset data, this argument must be specified and object is copied for internal use verbose (bool): specifies whether or not to write to stdout data-loaded and data-extrapolated progress reports; default value is `True`. Raises: ValueError: if parameters are not the appropriate type. Returns: Calculator: class instance Notes: All calculations are done on the internal copies of the Specifications and Assets objects passed to each of the two Calculator constructors. Example: The most efficient way to specify current-law and reform Calculator objects is as follows:: >>> `params = Specifications()`` >>> `rec = Assets()`` >>> `calc1 = Calculator(p=params, assets=rec) # current-law` >>> `params2 = Specifications(...reform parameters...)`` >>> `calc2 = Calculator(p=params2, assets=rec) # reform` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, p=None, dp=None, assets=None, verbose=True): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches if isinstance(p, Specification): self.__p = copy.deepcopy(p) else: raise ValueError("must specify p as a Specification object") if isinstance(dp, DepreciationParams): self.__dp = copy.deepcopy(dp) else: raise ValueError("must specify p as an DepreciationParams object") if isinstance(assets, Assets): self.__assets = copy.deepcopy(assets) else: raise ValueError("must specify assets as a Assets object") self.__stored_assets = None
[docs] def calc_other(self, df): """ Calculates variables that depend on z and rho such as metr, ucc Args: df (Pandas DataFrame): assets by industry and tax_treatment with depreciation rates, cost of capital, etc. Returns: df (Pandas DataFrame): input dataframe, but with additional columns (ucc, metr, mettr, tax_wedge, eatr) """ dfs = { "c": df[df["tax_treat"] == "corporate"].copy(), "pt": df[df["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"].copy(), } # separate into corp and non-corp dataframe here for t in self.__p.entity_list: for f in self.__p.financing_list: dfs[t]["ucc_" + str(f)] = eq_ucc( dfs[t]["rho_" + str(f)], dfs[t]["delta"] ) dfs[t]["metr_" + str(f)] = eq_metr( dfs[t]["rho_" + str(f)], self.__p.r_prime[t][f], self.__p.inflation_rate, ) dfs[t]["mettr_" + str(f)] = eq_mettr( dfs[t]["rho_" + str(f)], self.__p.s[t][f] ) dfs[t]["tax_wedge_" + str(f)] = eq_tax_wedge( dfs[t]["rho_" + str(f)], self.__p.s[t][f] ) dfs[t]["eatr_" + str(f)] = eq_eatr( dfs[t]["rho_" + str(f)], dfs[t]["metr_" + str(f)], self.__p.profit_rate, self.__p.u[t], ) df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True, copy=True) return df
[docs] def calc_base(self): """ Call functions for the current_year. This involves updating depreciation methods, computing the npv of depreciation (z), and computing the cost of capital (rho) and then calling the calc_all() function to do computations that dependon rho and z. """ # conducts static analysis of Calculator object for current_year self.__assets.df = update_depr_methods( self.__assets.df, self.__p, self.__dp ) dfs = { "c": self.__assets.df[ self.__assets.df["tax_treat"] == "corporate" ].copy(), "pt": self.__assets.df[ self.__assets.df["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate" ].copy(), } # separate into corp and non-corp dataframe here for t in self.__p.entity_list: for f in self.__p.financing_list: dfs[t]["z_" + str(f)] = npv_tax_depr( dfs[t], self.__p.r[t][f], self.__p.inflation_rate, self.__p.land_expensing, ) dfs[t]["rho_" + str(f)] = eq_coc( dfs[t]["delta"], dfs[t]["z_" + str(f)], self.__p.property_tax, self.__p.u[t], self.__p.u_d[t], self.__p.inv_tax_credit, self.__p.psi,, self.__p.inflation_rate, self.__p.r[t][f], self.__p.re_credit, dfs[t]["bea_asset_code"], dfs[t]["bea_ind_code"], ) if not self.__p.inventory_expensing: idx = dfs[t]["asset_name"] == "Inventories" dfs[t].loc[idx, "rho_" + str(f)] = np.squeeze( eq_coc_inventory( self.__p.u[t], self.__p.phi, self.__p.Y_v, self.__p.inflation_rate, self.__p.r[t][f], ) ) self.__assets.df = pd.concat( dfs, ignore_index=True, copy=True, sort=True )
[docs] def calc_all(self): """ Calculates all CCC variables for some CCC Assets object. """ self.calc_base() self.__assets.df = self.calc_other(self.__assets.df)
[docs] def calc_by_asset(self, include_inventories=True, include_land=True): """ Calculates all variables by asset, including overall, and by major asset categories. Args: include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True`. Returns: df (pandas DataFrame): rows are assets and major asset groupings with columns for all output variables """ self.calc_base() asset_df = pd.DataFrame( self.__assets.df.groupby( [ "major_asset_group", "minor_asset_group", "bea_asset_code", "asset_name", "tax_treat", ] ).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() asset_df = self.calc_other(asset_df) # Find values across minor asset groups minor_asset_df = pd.DataFrame( self.__assets.df.groupby( ["minor_asset_group", "major_asset_group", "tax_treat"] ).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() minor_asset_df["asset_name"] = minor_asset_df["minor_asset_group"] minor_asset_df = self.calc_other(minor_asset_df) # Find values across major asset_groups major_asset_df = pd.DataFrame( self.__assets.df.groupby(["major_asset_group", "tax_treat"]).apply( self.__f, include_groups=False ) ).reset_index() major_asset_df["minor_asset_group"] = major_asset_df[ "major_asset_group" ] major_asset_df["asset_name"] = major_asset_df["major_asset_group"] major_asset_df = self.calc_other(major_asset_df) # Drop land and inventories if conditions met df1 = self.__assets.df if not include_land: df1.drop(df1[df1.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df1.drop(df1[df1.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True) overall_df = pd.DataFrame( df1.groupby(["tax_treat"]).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() overall_df["major_asset_group"] = "Overall" overall_df["minor_asset_group"] = "Overall" overall_df["asset_name"] = "Overall" overall_df = self.calc_other(overall_df) df = pd.concat( [asset_df, minor_asset_df, major_asset_df, overall_df], ignore_index=True, copy=True, sort=True, ).reset_index() # Drop duplicate rows in case, e.g., only one asset in major # or minor asset group df.drop_duplicates( subset=[ "asset_name", "minor_asset_group", "major_asset_group", "tax_treat", ], inplace=True, ) return df
[docs] def calc_by_industry(self, include_inventories=True, include_land=True): """ Calculates all variables by industry, including overall, and by major asset categories. Args: include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True`. Returns: df (Pandas DataFrame): rows are minor industries and major industry groupings with columns for all output variables """ self.calc_base() df1 = self.__assets.df if not include_land: df1.drop(df1[df1.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df1.drop(df1[df1.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True) ind_df = pd.DataFrame( df1.groupby( ["major_industry", "bea_ind_code", "Industry", "tax_treat"] ).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() ind_df = self.calc_other(ind_df) major_ind_df = pd.DataFrame( df1.groupby(["major_industry", "tax_treat"]).apply( self.__f, include_groups=False ) ).reset_index() major_ind_df["Industry"] = major_ind_df["major_industry"] major_ind_df = self.calc_other(major_ind_df) # Can put some if statements here if want to exclude land/inventory/etc overall_df = pd.DataFrame( df1.groupby(["tax_treat"]).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() overall_df["major_industry"] = "Overall" overall_df["Industry"] = "Overall" overall_df = self.calc_other(overall_df) df = pd.concat( [ind_df, major_ind_df, overall_df], ignore_index=True, copy=True, sort=True, ).reset_index() # Drop duplicate rows in case, e.g., only one industry in major # industry group df.drop_duplicates( subset=["Industry", "major_industry", "tax_treat"], inplace=True ) return df
[docs] def summary_table( self, calc, output_variable="mettr", include_land=True, include_inventories=True, output_type=None, path=None, ): """ Create table summarizing the output_variable under the baseline and reform policies. Args: calc (CCC Calculator object): calc represents the reform while self represents the baseline output_variable (string): specifies which output variable to summarize in the table. Default is the marginal effective total tax rate (`mettr`). include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True`. output_type (string): specifies the type of file to save table to: 'csv', 'tex', 'excel', 'json'. If 'None' a DataFrame is returned. Default is None. path (string): specifies path to save file with table to. If `None`, then returns DataFrame or string object, depending on `output_type`. Default is `None`. Returns: table_df (Pandas DataFrame): table """ assert output_variable in OUTPUT_VAR_LIST assert output_type in OUTPUT_DATA_FORMATS self.calc_base() calc.calc_base() base_df = self.__assets.df reform_df = calc.__assets.df dfs = [base_df, reform_df] dfs_out = [] for df in dfs: if not include_land: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True) # Compute overall separately by tax treatment treat_df = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby(["tax_treat"]).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() treat_df = self.calc_other(treat_df) # Compute overall values, across corp and non-corp # just making up a column with same value in all rows so can # continute to use groupby df["include"] = 1 all_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( df.groupby(["include"]) .apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) .to_dict() ) # set tax_treat to corporate b/c only corp and non-corp # recognized in calc_other() all_df["tax_treat"] = "corporate" all_df = self.calc_other(all_df) all_df["tax_treat"] = "all" # Put df's together dfs_out.append( pd.concat( [treat_df, all_df], ignore_index=True, copy=True, sort=True ).reset_index() ) base_tab = dfs_out[0] reform_tab = dfs_out[1] diff_tab = diff_two_tables(reform_tab, base_tab) table_dict = { "": [ "Overall", "Corporations", " Equity Financed", " Debt Financed", "Pass-Through Entities", " Equity Financed", " Debt Financed", ], VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Baseline Policy": [ base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_e" ].values[0], base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_d" ].values[0], base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_e" ].values[0], base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_d" ].values[0], ], VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Reform Policy": [ reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_e" ].values[0], reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_d" ].values[0], reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_e" ].values[0], reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_d" ].values[0], ], "Change from Baseline (pp)": [ diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_e" ].values[0], diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate"][ output_variable + "_d" ].values[0], diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_mix" ].values[0], diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_e" ].values[0], diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate"][ output_variable + "_d" ].values[0], ], } # Make df with dict so can use pandas functions table_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table_dict, orient="columns") # Put in percentage points table_df[VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Baseline Policy"] *= 100 table_df[VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Reform Policy"] *= 100 table_df["Change from Baseline (pp)"] *= 100 table = save_return_table(table_df, output_type, path) return table
[docs] def asset_share_table( self, include_land=True, include_inventories=True, output_type=None, path=None, ): """ Create table summarizing the output_variable under the baseline and reform policies. Args: include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True`. output_type (string): specifies the type of file to save table to: 'csv', 'tex', 'excel', 'json'. If 'None' a DataFrame is returned. Default is None. path (string): specifies path to save file with table to. If `None`, then returns DataFrame or string object, depending on `output_type`. Default is `None`. Returns: table_df (Pandas DataFrame): table """ assert output_type in OUTPUT_DATA_FORMATS df = self.__assets.df.copy() if not include_land: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True) df1 = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby(["tax_treat", "major_industry"])["assets"].sum() ).reset_index() df2 = df1.pivot( index="major_industry", columns="tax_treat", values="assets" ).reset_index() df2["c_share"] = df2["corporate"] / ( df2["corporate"] + df2["non-corporate"] ) df2["nc_share"] = df2["non-corporate"] / ( df2["corporate"] + df2["non-corporate"] ) df2.drop(labels=["corporate", "non-corporate"], axis=1, inplace=True) df2.rename( columns={ "c_share": "Corporate", "nc_share": "Pass-Through", "major_industry": "Industry", }, inplace=True, ) # Create dictionary for table to get industry's in specific order table_dict = {"Industry": [], "Corporate": [], "Pass-Through": []} for item in MAJOR_IND_ORDERED: table_dict["Industry"].append(item) table_dict["Corporate"].append( df2[df2.Industry == item]["Corporate"].values[0] ) table_dict["Pass-Through"].append( df2[df2.Industry == item]["Pass-Through"].values[0] ) table_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table_dict, orient="columns") table = save_return_table(table_df, output_type, path, precision=2) return table
[docs] def asset_summary_table( self, calc, output_variable="mettr", financing="mix", include_land=True, include_inventories=True, output_type=None, path=None, ): """ Create table summarizing the output_variable under the baseline and reform policies by major asset grouping. Args: calc (CCC Calculator object): calc represents the reform while self represents the baseline output_variable (string): specifies which output variable to summarize in the table. Default is the marginal effective total tax rate (`mettr`). financing (string): marginal source of finance for the new investment: 'mix' for mix of debt and equity, 'd' for debt, or 'e' for equity. include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True`. output_type (string): specifies the type of file to save table to: 'csv', 'tex', 'excel', 'json'. If 'None' a DataFrame is returned. Default is None. path (string): specifies path to save file with table to. If `None`, then returns DataFrame or string object, depending on `output_type`. Default is `None`. Returns: table_df (Pandas DataFrame): table """ assert financing in self.__p.financing_list assert output_variable in OUTPUT_VAR_LIST assert output_type in OUTPUT_DATA_FORMATS self.calc_base() calc.calc_base() base_df = self.__assets.df reform_df = calc.__assets.df dfs = [base_df, reform_df] dfs_out = [] for df in dfs: if not include_land: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True) # Make dataframe with just results for major asset categories major_asset_df = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby(["major_asset_group", "tax_treat"]).apply( self.__f, include_groups=False ) ).reset_index() major_asset_df["asset_name"] = major_asset_df["major_asset_group"] major_asset_df = self.calc_other(major_asset_df) # Compute overall separately by tax treatment treat_df = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby(["tax_treat"]).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() treat_df = self.calc_other(treat_df) treat_df["major_asset_group"] = "Overall" # Compute overall values, across corp and non-corp # just making up a column with same value in all rows so can # continute to use groupby df["include"] = 1 all_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( df.groupby(["include"]) .apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) .to_dict() ) # set tax_treat to corporate b/c only corp and non-corp # recognized in calc_other() all_df["tax_treat"] = "corporate" all_df = self.calc_other(all_df) all_df["tax_treat"] = "all" all_df["major_asset_group"] = "Overall" # Put df's together dfs_out.append( pd.concat( [major_asset_df, treat_df, all_df], ignore_index=True, copy=True, sort=True, ).reset_index() ) base_tab = dfs_out[0] reform_tab = dfs_out[1] diff_tab = diff_two_tables(reform_tab, base_tab) major_groups = ["Equipment", "Structures", "Intellectual Property"] if include_inventories: major_groups.append("Inventories") if include_land: major_groups.append("Land") category_list = ["Overall", "Corporate"] base_out_list = [ base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_" + financing ].values[0], base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (base_tab["major_asset_group"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0], ] reform_out_list = [ reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_" + financing ].values[0], reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (reform_tab["major_asset_group"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0], ] diff_out_list = [ diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_" + financing ].values[0], diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (diff_tab["major_asset_group"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0], ] for item in major_groups: category_list.append(" " + item) base_out_list.append( base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (base_tab["major_asset_group"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) reform_out_list.append( reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (reform_tab["major_asset_group"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) diff_out_list.append( diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (diff_tab["major_asset_group"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) category_list.append("Pass-through") base_out_list.append( base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (base_tab["major_asset_group"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) reform_out_list.append( reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (reform_tab["major_asset_group"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) diff_out_list.append( diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (diff_tab["major_asset_group"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) for item in major_groups: category_list.append(" " + item) base_out_list.append( base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (base_tab["major_asset_group"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) reform_out_list.append( reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (reform_tab["major_asset_group"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) diff_out_list.append( diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (diff_tab["major_asset_group"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) table_dict = { "Category": category_list, VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Baseline Policy": base_out_list, VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Reform Policy": reform_out_list, "Change from Baseline (pp)": diff_out_list, } # Make df with dict so can use pandas functions table_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table_dict, orient="columns") # Put in percentage points table_df[VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Baseline Policy"] *= 100 table_df[VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Reform Policy"] *= 100 table_df["Change from Baseline (pp)"] *= 100 table = save_return_table(table_df, output_type, path) return table
[docs] def industry_summary_table( self, calc, output_variable="mettr", financing="mix", include_land=True, include_inventories=True, output_type=None, path=None, ): """ Create table summarizing the output_variable under the baseline and reform policies by major asset grouping. Args: calc (CCC Calculator object): calc represents the reform while self represents the baseline output_variable (string): specifies which output variable to summarize in the table. Default is the marginal effective total tax rate (`mettr`). financing (string): marginal source of finance for the new investment: 'mix' for mix of debt and equity, 'd' for debt, or 'e' for equity. include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True`. output_type (string): specifies the type of file to save table to: 'csv', 'tex', 'excel', 'json'. If 'None' a DataFrame is returned. Default is None. path (string): specifies path to save file with table to. If `None`, then returns DataFrame or string object, depending on `output_type`. Default is `None`. Returns: table_df (Pandas DataFrame): table """ assert financing in self.__p.financing_list assert output_variable in OUTPUT_VAR_LIST assert output_type in OUTPUT_DATA_FORMATS self.calc_base() calc.calc_base() base_df = self.__assets.df reform_df = calc.__assets.df dfs = [base_df, reform_df] dfs_out = [] for df in dfs: if not include_land: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True) # Make dataframe with just results for major industry major_ind_df = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby(["major_industry", "tax_treat"]).apply( self.__f, include_groups=False ) ).reset_index() major_ind_df["Industry"] = major_ind_df["major_industry"] major_ind_df = self.calc_other(major_ind_df) # Compute overall separately by tax treatment treat_df = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby(["tax_treat"]).apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) ).reset_index() treat_df = self.calc_other(treat_df) treat_df["major_industry"] = "Overall" # Compute overall values, across corp and non-corp # just making up a column with same value in all rows so can # continute to use groupby df["include"] = 1 all_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( df.groupby(["include"]) .apply(self.__f, include_groups=False) .to_dict() ) # set tax_treat to corporate b/c only corp and non-corp # recognized in calc_other() all_df["tax_treat"] = "corporate" all_df = self.calc_other(all_df) all_df["tax_treat"] = "all" all_df["major_industry"] = "Overall" # Put df's together dfs_out.append( pd.concat( [major_ind_df, treat_df, all_df], ignore_index=True, copy=True, sort=True, ).reset_index() ) base_tab = dfs_out[0] reform_tab = dfs_out[1] diff_tab = diff_two_tables(reform_tab, base_tab) category_list = ["Overall", "Corporate"] base_out_list = [ base_tab[base_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_" + financing ].values[0], base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (base_tab["major_industry"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0], ] reform_out_list = [ reform_tab[reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_" + financing ].values[0], reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (reform_tab["major_industry"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0], ] diff_out_list = [ diff_tab[diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "all"][ output_variable + "_" + financing ].values[0], diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (diff_tab["major_industry"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0], ] for item in MAJOR_IND_ORDERED: category_list.append(" " + item) base_out_list.append( base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (base_tab["major_industry"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) reform_out_list.append( reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (reform_tab["major_industry"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) diff_out_list.append( diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "corporate") & (diff_tab["major_industry"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) category_list.append("Pass-through") base_out_list.append( base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (base_tab["major_industry"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) reform_out_list.append( reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (reform_tab["major_industry"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) diff_out_list.append( diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (diff_tab["major_industry"] == "Overall") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) for item in MAJOR_IND_ORDERED: category_list.append(" " + item) base_out_list.append( base_tab[ (base_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (base_tab["major_industry"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) reform_out_list.append( reform_tab[ (reform_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (reform_tab["major_industry"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) diff_out_list.append( diff_tab[ (diff_tab["tax_treat"] == "non-corporate") & (diff_tab["major_industry"] == item) ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] ) table_dict = { "Category": category_list, VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Baseline Policy": base_out_list, VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Reform Policy": reform_out_list, "Change from Baseline (pp)": diff_out_list, } # Make df with dict so can use pandas functions table_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table_dict, orient="columns") # Put in percentage points table_df[VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Baseline Policy"] *= 100 table_df[VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " Under Reform Policy"] *= 100 table_df["Change from Baseline (pp)"] *= 100 table = save_return_table(table_df, output_type, path) return table
[docs] def grouped_bar( self, calc, output_variable="mettr", financing="mix", group_by_asset=True, corporate=True, include_land=True, include_inventories=True, include_title=False, ): """ Create a grouped bar plot (grouped by major industry or major asset group). Args: calc (CCC Calculator object): calc represents the reform while self represents the baseline output_variable (string): specifies which output variable to summarize in the table. Default is the marginal effective total tax rate (`mettr`). financing (string): marginal source of finance for the new investment: 'mix' for mix of debt and equity, 'd' for debt, or 'e' for equity. group_by_asset (bool): whether to group by major asset group. If `False`, then grouping is by major industry. Defaults to `True`. corporate (bool): whether to use data for corporate entities. If `False`, then uses data for pass-through entities. Defaults to `True`. include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True`. include_title (bool): whether to include a title on the plot Returns: p (Bokeh plot object): bar plot """ assert financing in self.__p.financing_list assert output_variable in OUTPUT_VAR_LIST if group_by_asset: base_df = self.calc_by_asset( include_land=include_land, include_inventories=include_inventories, ) reform_df = calc.calc_by_asset( include_land=include_land, include_inventories=include_inventories, ) base_df.drop( base_df[base_df.asset_name != base_df.major_asset_group].index, inplace=True, ) reform_df.drop( reform_df[ reform_df.asset_name != reform_df.major_asset_group ].index, inplace=True, ) plot_label = "major_asset_group" plot_title = VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " by Asset Category" else: base_df = self.calc_by_industry( include_land=include_land, include_inventories=include_inventories, ) reform_df = calc.calc_by_industry( include_land=include_land, include_inventories=include_inventories, ) base_df.drop( base_df[base_df.Industry != base_df.major_industry].index, inplace=True, ) reform_df.drop( reform_df[ reform_df.Industry != reform_df.major_industry ].index, inplace=True, ) plot_label = "major_industry" plot_title = VAR_DICT[output_variable] + " by Industry" # Append dfs together so base policies in one base_df["policy"] = "Baseline" reform_df["policy"] = "Reform" df = pd.concat([base_df, reform_df]) # Drop corporate or non-corporate per arguments if corporate: df.drop(df[df.tax_treat == "non-corporate"].index, inplace=True) plot_title = plot_title + " for Corporate Investments" else: df.drop(df[df.tax_treat == "corporate"].index, inplace=True) plot_title = plot_title + " for Pass-Through Investments" # Get mean overall for baseline and reform mean_base = df[ (df[plot_label] == "Overall") & (df.policy == "Baseline") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] mean_reform = df[ (df[plot_label] == "Overall") & (df.policy == "Reform") ][output_variable + "_" + financing].values[0] # Drop overall means from df df.drop(df[df[plot_label] == "Overall"].index, inplace=True) # Drop extra vars and make wide format df1 = df[[plot_label, output_variable + "_mix", "policy"]] df2 = df1.pivot( index=plot_label, columns="policy", values=output_variable + "_" + financing, ) df2.reset_index(inplace=True) # Create grouped barplot source = ColumnDataSource(data=df2) if not include_title: plot_title = None p = figure( x_range=df2[plot_label], height=350, title=plot_title, toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) p.vbar( x=dodge(plot_label, 0.0, range=p.x_range), top="Baseline", width=0.2, source=source, color=BLUE, legend_label="Baseline", ) p.vbar( x=dodge(plot_label, 0.25, range=p.x_range), top="Reform", width=0.2, source=source, color=RED, legend_label="Reform", ) p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1 p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.legend.location = "top_left" p.legend.orientation = "horizontal" if not group_by_asset: p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 45 p.height = 800 p.width = 800 # Add lines for overall mean for baseline and reform bline = Span( location=mean_base, dimension="width", line_color=BLUE, line_alpha=0.2, line_width=2, line_dash="dashed", ) rline = Span( location=mean_reform, dimension="width", line_color=RED, line_alpha=0.2, line_width=2, line_dash="dashed", ) p.renderers.extend([bline, rline]) return p
[docs] def range_plot( self, calc, output_variable="mettr", corporate=True, include_land=True, include_inventories=True, include_title=False, ): """ Create a range plot. Args: calc (CCC Calculator object): calc represents the reform while self represents the baseline output_variable (string): specifies which output variable to summarize in the table. Default is the marginal effective total tax rate (`mettr`) corporate (bool): whether to use data for corporate entities If `False`, then uses data for pass-through entities Defaults to `True` include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `True` include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `True` include_title (bool): whether to include a title on the plot Returns: p (Bokeh plot object): bar plot """ assert output_variable in OUTPUT_VAR_LIST base_df = self.calc_by_asset( include_land=include_land, include_inventories=include_inventories ) reform_df = calc.calc_by_asset( include_land=include_land, include_inventories=include_inventories ) base_df.drop( base_df[ (base_df.asset_name != base_df.major_asset_group) & (base_df.asset_name != "Overall") & (base_df.asset_name != "Land") & (base_df.asset_name != "Inventories") ].index, inplace=True, ) reform_df.drop( reform_df[ (reform_df.asset_name != reform_df.major_asset_group) & (reform_df.asset_name != "Overall") & (reform_df.asset_name != "Land") & (reform_df.asset_name != "Inventories") ].index, inplace=True, ) # Append dfs together so base policies in one base_df["policy"] = "Baseline" reform_df["policy"] = "Reform" # Drop corporate or non-corporate per arguments if corporate: base_df.drop( base_df[base_df.tax_treat == "non-corporate"].index, inplace=True, ) reform_df.drop( reform_df[reform_df.tax_treat == "non-corporate"].index, inplace=True, ) plot_subtitle = "Corporate Investments" else: base_df.drop( base_df[base_df.tax_treat == "corporate"].index, inplace=True ) reform_df.drop( reform_df[reform_df.tax_treat == "corporate"].index, inplace=True, ) plot_subtitle = "Pass-Through Investments" dfs = [base_df, reform_df] policy_list = ["baseline", "reform"] # Create dictionary for source data source_dict = { "baseline": { "mins": [], "maxes": [], "means": [], "min_asset": [], "max_asset": [], "mean_asset": [], "types": [ "Typically Financed", "Debt Financed", "Equity Financed", ], "positions": [-0.1, 0.9, 1.9], }, "reform": { "mins": [], "maxes": [], "means": [], "min_asset": [], "max_asset": [], "mean_asset": [], "types": [ "Typically Financed", "Debt Financed", "Equity Financed", ], "positions": [0.1, 1.1, 2.1], }, } for i, df in enumerate(dfs): for fin in ("_mix", "_d", "_e"): max_index = df[output_variable + fin].idxmax() min_index = df[output_variable + fin].idxmin() maxval = df.loc[max_index][output_variable + fin] minval = df.loc[min_index][output_variable + fin] minasset = df.loc[min_index]["asset_name"] maxasset = df.loc[max_index]["asset_name"] meanval = df[df.asset_name == "Overall"][ output_variable + fin ].values[0] meanasset = "Overall" # put values in dictionary source_dict[policy_list[i]]["mins"].append(minval) source_dict[policy_list[i]]["maxes"].append(maxval) source_dict[policy_list[i]]["means"].append(meanval) source_dict[policy_list[i]]["min_asset"].append(minasset) source_dict[policy_list[i]]["max_asset"].append(maxasset) source_dict[policy_list[i]]["mean_asset"].append(meanasset) base_source = ColumnDataSource(data=source_dict["baseline"]) reform_source = ColumnDataSource(data=source_dict["reform"]) # Create figure on which to plot p = figure( width=500, height=500, x_range=(-0.5, 2.5), toolbar_location=None, tools="", ) # Format graph title and features # Add title if include_title: p.add_layout( Title(text=plot_subtitle, text_font_style="italic"), "above" ) p.add_layout( Title(text=VAR_DICT[output_variable], text_font_size="16pt"), "above", ) # p.title.text = plot_title # p.title.align = 'center' # p.title.text_font_size = '16pt' p.title.text_font = "Helvetica" p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # Format axis labels p.xaxis.axis_label = "Method of Financing" p.xaxis[0].ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=[0, 1, 2]) # Done as a custom function instead of a categorical axis because # categorical axes do not work well with other features p.xaxis.formatter = CustomJSTickFormatter( code=""" var types = ["Typically Financed", "Debt Financed", "Equity Financed"] return types[tick] """ ) p.yaxis.axis_label = VAR_DICT[output_variable] p.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0%") # Line separating positive and negative values zline = Span( location=0, dimension="width", line_alpha=0.2, line_width=2, line_dash="dashed", ) p.renderers.extend([zline]) # Color different regions standard_region = BoxAnnotation( right=0.5, fill_alpha=0.2, fill_color="white" ) debt_region = BoxAnnotation( left=0.5, right=1.5, fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color="white" ) equity_region = BoxAnnotation( left=1.5, fill_alpha=0.2, fill_color="white" ) p.add_layout(standard_region) p.add_layout(debt_region) p.add_layout(equity_region) # Draw baseline ranges onto graph p.segment( "positions", "mins", "positions", "maxes", color=BLUE, line_width=2, source=base_source, ) # Add circles for means p.scatter( "positions", "means", size=12, color=BLUE, source=base_source, legend_label="Baseline", ) # Add circles for maxes and mins p.scatter( "positions", "mins", size=12, color=BLUE, source=base_source, legend_label="Baseline", ) p.scatter( "positions", "maxes", size=12, color=BLUE, source=base_source, legend_label="Baseline", ) # Draw reformed ranges onto graph p.segment( "positions", "mins", "positions", "maxes", color=RED, line_width=2, source=reform_source, ) # Add circles for means p.scatter( "positions", "means", size=12, color=RED, source=reform_source, legend_label="Reform", ) # Add circles for maxes and mins p.scatter( "positions", "mins", size=12, color=RED, source=reform_source, legend_label="Reform", ) p.scatter( "positions", "maxes", size=12, color=RED, source=reform_source, legend_label="Reform", ) # Set legend location p.legend.location = "bottom_right" # Display rate and asset type when hovering over a glyph # hover = HoverTool( # tooltips=[(output_variable, "@mins"), # ("Asset", "@min_asset")]) # p.add_tools(hover) return p
[docs] def bubble_widget( self, calc, output_variable="mettr", include_land=False, include_inventories=False, include_IP=False, ): """ Create a bubble plot widget. The x-axis shows the value of the output variable, the y are groups (e.g., asset type or industry). The widget allows for one to click buttons to view the values for different output variables, choose to look at the baseline policy values, the reform policy values, or the difference, switch between values for the corporate and non-corporate sector. The bubbles' size represent the total assets of a specific type. Args: calc (CCC Calculator object): calc represents the reform while self represents the baseline output_variable (string): specifies which output variable to summarize in the table. Default is the marginal effective total tax rate (`mettr`) include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `False` include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `False` include_IP (bool): whether to include intellectual property in calculations. Defaults to `False` Returns: layout (Bokeh Layout object): widget """ assert output_variable in OUTPUT_VAR_LIST base_df = self.calc_by_asset() reform_df = calc.calc_by_asset() change_df = diff_two_tables(reform_df, base_df) list_df = [base_df, change_df, reform_df] list_string = ["base", "change", "reform"] data_sources = {} for i, df_i in enumerate(list_df): for t in ["c", "pt"]: if t == "c": df = df_i.drop(df_i[df_i.tax_treat != "corporate"].index) else: df = df_i.drop( df_i[df_i.tax_treat != "non-corporate"].index ) # Remove data from Intellectual Property, Land, and # Inventories Categories if not include_land: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df.drop( df[df.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True ) if not include_IP: df.drop( df[ df.major_asset_group == "Intellectual Property" ].index, inplace=True, ) # define the size DataFrame, if change, use base sizes if list_string[i] != "change": SIZES = list(range(20, 80, 15)) size = pd.qcut( df["assets"].values, len(SIZES), labels=SIZES ) df["size"] = size else: df["size"] = size # Form the two categories: Equipment and Structures equipment_df = df.drop( df[df.major_asset_group.str.contains("Structures")].index ).copy() equipment_df.drop( equipment_df[ equipment_df.major_asset_group.str.contains( "Buildings" ) ].index, inplace=True, ) # Drop overall category and overall equipment equipment_df.drop( equipment_df[equipment_df.asset_name == "Overall"].index, inplace=True, ) equipment_df.drop( equipment_df[equipment_df.asset_name == "Equipment"].index, inplace=True, ) structure_df = df.drop( df[ ~df.major_asset_group.str.contains( "Structures|Buildings" ) ].index ).copy() # Drop value for all structures structure_df.drop( structure_df[ structure_df.asset_name == "Structures" ].index, inplace=True, ) # Output variables available in plot format_fields = [ "metr_mix", "metr_d", "metr_e", "mettr_mix", "mettr_d", "mettr_e", "rho_mix", "rho_d", "rho_e", "z_mix", "z_d", "z_e", ] # Make short category make_short = { "Instruments and Communications Equipment": "Instruments and Communications", "Office and Residential Equipment": "Office and Residential", "Other Equipment": "Other", "Transportation Equipment": "Transportation", "Other Industrial Equipment": "Other Industrial", "Nonresidential Buildings": "Nonresidential Bldgs", "Residential Buildings": "Residential Bldgs", "Mining and Drilling Structures": "Mining and Drilling", "Other Structures": "Other", "Computers and Software": "Computers and Software", "Industrial Machinery": "Industrial Machinery", } equipment_df["short_category"] = equipment_df[ "minor_asset_group" ] equipment_df["short_category"] = equipment_df[ "short_category" ].replace( make_short, ) structure_df["short_category"] = structure_df[ "minor_asset_group" ] structure_df["short_category"] = structure_df[ "short_category" ].replace( make_short, ) # Add the Reform and the Baseline to Equipment Asset for f in format_fields: equipment_copy = equipment_df.copy() equipment_copy["rate"] = equipment_copy[f] equipment_copy["hover"] = equipment_copy.apply( lambda x: "{0:.1f}%".format(x[f] * 100), axis=1 ) simple_equipment_copy = equipment_copy.filter( items=[ "size", "rate", "hover", "short_category", "asset_name", ] ) data_sources[ list_string[i] + "_equipment_" + f + "_" + t ] = ColumnDataSource(simple_equipment_copy) # Add the Reform and the Baseline to Structures Asset for f in format_fields: structure_copy = structure_df.copy() structure_copy["rate"] = structure_copy[f] structure_copy["hover"] = structure_copy.apply( lambda x: "{0:.1f}%".format(x[f] * 100), axis=1 ) simple_structure_copy = structure_copy.filter( items=[ "size", "rate", "hover", "short_category", "asset_name", ] ) data_sources[ list_string[i] + "_structure_" + f + "_" + t ] = ColumnDataSource(simple_structure_copy) # Create initial data sources to plot on load if list_string[i] == "base" and t == "c": equipment_copy = equipment_df.copy() equipment_copy["rate"] = equipment_copy["mettr_mix"] equipment_copy["hover"] = equipment_copy.apply( lambda x: "{0:.1f}%".format(x["mettr_mix"] * 100), axis=1, ) simple_equipment_copy = equipment_copy.filter( items=[ "size", "rate", "hover", "short_category", "asset_name", ] ) data_sources["equip_source"] = ColumnDataSource( simple_equipment_copy ) structure_copy = structure_df.copy() structure_copy["rate"] = structure_copy["mettr_mix"] structure_copy["hover"] = structure_copy.apply( lambda x: "{0:.1f}%".format(x["mettr_mix"] * 100), axis=1, ) simple_structure_copy = structure_copy.filter( items=[ "size", "rate", "hover", "short_category", "asset_name", ] ) data_sources["struc_source"] = ColumnDataSource( simple_structure_copy ) # Define categories for Equipments assets equipment_assets = [ "Computers and Software", "Instruments and Communications", "Office and Residential", "Transportation", "Industrial Machinery", "Other Industrial", "Other", ] # Define categories for Structures assets structure_assets = [ "Residential Bldgs", "Nonresidential Bldgs", "Mining and Drilling", "Other", ] # Equipment plot p = figure( height=540, width=990, y_range=list(reversed(equipment_assets)), tools="hover", background_fill_alpha=0, title="Marginal Effective Total Tax Rates on " + "Corporate Investments in Equipment", ) p.title.align = "center" p.title.text_color = "#6B6B73" hover = hover.tooltips = [("Asset", " @asset_name (@hover)")] p.xaxis.axis_label = "Marginal effective total tax rate" p.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.1%") p.toolbar_location = None p.min_border_right = 5 p.outline_line_width = 5 p.border_fill_alpha = 0 p.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = "firebrick" p.xaxis.major_tick_line_width = 3 p.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = "orange" p.outline_line_width = 1 p.outline_line_alpha = 1 p.outline_line_color = "black" p.scatter( x="rate", y="short_category", color=BLUE, size="size", line_color="#333333", fill_alpha=0.4, source=data_sources["equip_source"], alpha=0.4, ) # Define and add a legend legend_cds = ColumnDataSource( { "size": SIZES, "label": ["<$20B", "", "", "<$1T"], "x": [0, 0.15, 0.35, 0.6], } ) p_legend = figure( height=150, width=380, x_range=(-0.075, 75), title="Asset Amount", tools="", ) #, x='x', size='size', source=legend_cds, # color=BLUE, fill_alpha=.4, alpha=.4, # line_color="#333333") # l1 = LabelSet(y=None, x='x', text='label', x_offset=-20, # y_offset=-50, source=legend_cds) # p_legend.add_layout(l1) p_legend.axis.visible = False p_legend.grid.grid_line_color = None # p_legend.toolbar.active_drag = None # data_sources['equip_plot'] = p # Structures plot p2 = figure( height=540, width=990, y_range=list(reversed(structure_assets)), tools="hover", background_fill_alpha=0, title="Marginal Effective Total Tax Rates on " + "Corporate Investments in Structures", ) p2.title.align = "center" p2.title.text_color = "#6B6B73" hover = hover.tooltips = [("Asset", " @asset_name (@hover)")] p2.xaxis.axis_label = "Marginal effective total tax rate" p2.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.1%") p2.toolbar_location = None p2.min_border_right = 5 p2.outline_line_width = 0 p2.border_fill_alpha = 0 p2.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = "firebrick" p2.xaxis.major_tick_line_width = 3 p2.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = "orange" p2.scatter( x="rate", y="short_category", color=RED, size="size", line_color="#333333", fill_alpha=0.4, source=data_sources["struc_source"], alpha=0.4, ) p2.outline_line_width = 1 p2.outline_line_alpha = 1 p2.outline_line_color = "black" # Define and add a legend p2_legend = figure( height=150, width=380, x_range=(-0.075, 0.75), title="Asset Amount", tools="", ) #, x='x', size='size', source=legend_cds, # color=RED, fill_alpha=.4, alpha=.4, # line_color="#333333") # l2 = LabelSet(y=None, x='x', text='label', x_offset=-20, # y_offset=-50, source=legend_cds) # p2_legend.add_layout(l2) p2_legend.axis.visible = False p2_legend.grid.grid_line_color = None # p2_legend.toolbar.active_drag = None # add buttons controls_callback = CustomJS( args=data_sources, code=CONTROLS_CALLBACK_SCRIPT ) c_pt_buttons = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Corporate", "Noncorporate"], active=0 ) c_pt_buttons.js_on_change("value", controls_callback) controls_callback.args["c_pt_buttons"] = c_pt_buttons format_buttons = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Baseline", "Reform", "Change"], active=0 ) format_buttons.js_on_change("value", controls_callback) controls_callback.args["format_buttons"] = format_buttons interest_buttons = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["METTR", "METR", "Cost of Capital", "NPV of Depreciation"], active=0, width=700, ) interest_buttons.js_on_change("value", controls_callback) controls_callback.args["interest_buttons"] = interest_buttons type_buttons = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Typically Financed", "Equity Financed", "Debt Financed"], active=0, width=700, ) type_buttons.js_on_change("value", controls_callback) controls_callback.args["type_buttons"] = type_buttons # Create Tabs tab = TabPanel(child=column([p, p_legend]), title="Equipment") tab2 = TabPanel(child=column([p2, p2_legend]), title="Structures") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab, tab2]) layout = gridplot( children=[ [tabs], [c_pt_buttons, interest_buttons], [format_buttons, type_buttons], ] ) # layout = gridplot([p, p2], ncols=2, width=250, height=250) # doc = curdoc() # doc.add_root(layout) # Create components # js, div = components(layout) # cdn_js = CDN.js_files[0] # cdn_css = CDN.css_files[0] # Set up an application # from bokeh.application.handlers import FunctionHandler # from bokeh.application import Application # # handler = FunctionHandler(doc) # # app = Application(handler) # app = Application(doc) return layout
[docs] def asset_bubble( self, calc, output_variable="mettr_mix", include_inventories=False, include_land=False, include_IP=False, include_title=False, path="", ): """ Create a bubble plot showing the value of the output variable along the x-axis, asset type groupings on the y-axis, and bubbles whose size represent the total assets of a specific type. Args: calc (CCC Calculator object): calc represents the reform while self represents the baseline output_variable (string): specifies which output variable to summarize in the table. Default is the marginal effective total tax rate (`mettr_mix`). include_inventories (bool): whether to include inventories in calculations. Defaults to `False` include_land (bool): whether to include land in calculations. Defaults to `False` include_IP (bool): whether to include intellectual property in calculations. Defaults to `False` include_title (bool): whether to include a title on the plot path (string): path to save file to Returns: tabs (Bokeh Tabs object): bubble plots """ # Load data as DataFrame df = self.calc_by_asset() # Keep only corporate df.drop(df[df.tax_treat != "corporate"].index, inplace=True) # Remove data from Intellectual Property, Land, and # Inventories Categories if not include_land: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Land"].index, inplace=True) if not include_inventories: df.drop(df[df.asset_name == "Inventories"].index, inplace=True) if not include_IP: df.drop( df[df.major_asset_group == "Intellectual Property"].index, inplace=True, ) # define the size DataFrame SIZES = list(range(20, 80, 15)) df["size"] = pd.qcut(df["assets"].values, len(SIZES), labels=SIZES) # Form the two Categories: Equipment and Structures equipment_df = df.drop( df[df.minor_asset_group.str.contains("Structures")].index ).copy() equipment_df.drop( equipment_df[ equipment_df.minor_asset_group.str.contains("Buildings") ].index, inplace=True, ) # Drop overall category and overall equipment equipment_df.drop( equipment_df[equipment_df.asset_name == "Overall"].index, inplace=True, ) equipment_df.drop( equipment_df[equipment_df.asset_name == "Equipment"].index, inplace=True, ) structure_df = df.drop( df[ ~df.minor_asset_group.str.contains("Structures|Buildings") ].index ).copy() # Make short category make_short = { "Instruments and Communications Equipment": "Instruments and Communications", "Office and Residential Equipment": "Office and Residential", "Other Equipment": "Other", "Transportation Equipment": "Transportation", "Other Industrial Equipment": "Other Industrial", "Nonresidential Buildings": "Nonresidential Bldgs", "Residential Buildings": "Residential Bldgs", "Mining and Drilling Structures": "Mining and Drilling", "Other Structures": "Other", "Computers and Software": "Computers and Software", "Industrial Machinery": "Industrial Machinery", } equipment_df["short_category"] = equipment_df["minor_asset_group"] # equipment_df['short_category'].replace(make_short, # inplace=True) equipment_df.replace( {"short_category": make_short}, regex=True, inplace=True ) structure_df["short_category"] = structure_df["minor_asset_group"] # structure_df['short_category'].replace(make_short, # inplace=True) structure_df.replace( {"short_category": make_short}, regex=True, inplace=True ) # Set up datasources data_sources = {} # Add the Reform and the Baseline to Equipment Asset equipment_copy = equipment_df.copy() equipment_copy["baseline"] = equipment_copy[output_variable] equipment_copy["hover"] = ( equipment_copy[output_variable] .astype(str) .apply(lambda x: "{:.2}%".format(x)) ) data_sources["equipment_" + output_variable] = ColumnDataSource( equipment_copy[ [ "baseline", "size", "hover", "assets", "short_category", "asset_name", ] ] ) # A spacer for the y-axis label fudge_factor = " " # Add the Reform and the Baseline to Structures Asset structure_copy = structure_df.copy() structure_copy["baseline"] = structure_copy[output_variable] # structure_copy['hover'] = structure_copy.apply( # lambda x: "{0:.1f}%".format(x[f] * 100), axis=1) structure_copy["hover"] = structure_copy.astype(str).apply( lambda x: "{0:.1}%".format(x[output_variable]), axis=1 ) structure_copy["short_category"] = structure_copy[ "short_category" ].str.replace("Residential Bldgs", fudge_factor + "Residential Bldgs") data_sources["structure_" + output_variable] = ColumnDataSource( structure_copy[ [ "baseline", "size", "hover", "assets", "short_category", "asset_name", ] ] ) # Define categories for Equipments assets equipment_assets = [ "Computers and Software", "Instruments and Communications", "Office and Residential", "Transportation", "Industrial Machinery", "Other Industrial", "Other", ] # Define categories for Structures assets structure_assets = [ "Residential Bldgs", "Nonresidential Bldgs", "Mining and Drilling", "Other", ] # Equipment plot p = figure( height=540, width=990, x_range=(-0.05, 0.51), y_range=list(reversed(equipment_assets)), # x_axis_location="above", # toolbar_location=None, tools="hover", background_fill_alpha=0, # change things on all axes **PLOT_FORMATS ) if include_title: p.add_layout( Title( text=( "Marginal Effective Tax Rates on Corporate Investments" + " in Equipment" ), **TITLE_FORMATS ), "above", ) hover = hover.tooltips = [("Asset", " @asset_name (@hover)")] # source = data_sources['equipment_' + output_variable] # Format axes p.xaxis.axis_label = "Marginal Effective Tax Rate" p.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.1%") # p.yaxis.axis_label = "Equipment" p.toolbar_location = None p.min_border_right = 5 # p.min_border_bottom = -10 p.outline_line_width = 5 p.border_fill_alpha = 0 p.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = "firebrick" p.xaxis.major_tick_line_width = 3 p.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = "orange" p.outline_line_width = 1 p.outline_line_alpha = 1 p.outline_line_color = "black" p.scatter( x="baseline", y="short_category", color=BLUE, size="size", line_color="#333333", line_alpha=0.1, fill_alpha=0.4, source=ColumnDataSource( data_sources["equipment_" + output_variable].data ), alpha=0.4, ) # Define and add a legend legend_cds = ColumnDataSource( { "size": SIZES, "label": ["<$20B", "", "", "<$1T"], "x": [0, 0.15, 0.35, 0.6], } ) p_legend = figure( height=150, width=380, x_range=(-0.075, 75), title="Asset Amount", tools="", ) #, x='x', size='size', source=legend_cds, # color=BLUE, fill_alpha=.4, alpha=.4, # line_color="#333333") # l1 = LabelSet(y=None, x='x', text='label', x_offset=-20, # y_offset=-50, source=legend_cds) # p_legend.add_layout(l1) p_legend.axis.visible = False p_legend.grid.grid_line_color = None p_legend.toolbar.active_drag = None # Style the tools # p.add_tools(WheelZoomTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool()) # p.toolbar_location = "right" # p.toolbar.logo = None # Structures plot p2 = figure( height=540, width=990, x_range=(-0.05, 0.51), y_range=list(reversed(structure_assets)), # toolbar_location=None, tools="hover", background_fill_alpha=0, **PLOT_FORMATS ) p2.add_layout( Title( text=( "Marginal Effective Tax Rates on Corporate " + "Investments in Structures" ), **TITLE_FORMATS ), "above", ) hover = hover.tooltips = [("Asset", " @asset_name (@hover)")] # Format axes p2.xaxis.axis_label = "Marginal Effective Tax Rate" p2.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.1%") # p2.yaxis.axis_label = "Structures" p2.toolbar_location = None p2.min_border_right = 5 # p2.min_border_top = -13 p2.outline_line_width = 0 p2.border_fill_alpha = 0 p2.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = "firebrick" p2.xaxis.major_tick_line_width = 3 p2.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = "orange" p2.scatter( x="baseline", y="short_category", color=RED, size="size", line_color="#333333", # line_alpha=.1, fill_alpha=0.4, source=ColumnDataSource( data_sources["structure_" + output_variable].data ), alpha=0.4, ) p2.outline_line_width = 1 p2.outline_line_alpha = 1 p2.outline_line_color = "black" # Define and add a legend p2_legend = figure( height=150, width=380, x_range=(-0.075, 0.75), title="Asset Amount", tools="", ) #, x='x', size='size', source=legend_cds, # color=RED, fill_alpha=.4, alpha=.4, # line_color="#333333") # l2 = LabelSet(y=None, x='x', text='label', x_offset=-20, # y_offset=-50, source=legend_cds) # p2_legend.add_layout(l2) p2_legend.axis.visible = False p2_legend.grid.grid_line_color = None p2_legend.toolbar.active_drag = None # Create Tabs tab = TabPanel(child=column([p, p_legend]), title="Equipment") tab2 = TabPanel(child=column([p2, p2_legend]), title="Structures") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab, tab2]) return tabs
[docs] def store_assets(self): """ Make internal copy of embedded Assets object that can then be restored after interim calculations that make temporary changes to the embedded Assets object. """ assert self.__stored_assets is None self.__stored_assets = copy.deepcopy(self.__assets)
[docs] def restore_assets(self): """ Set the embedded Assets object to the stored Assets object that was saved in the last call to the store_assets() method. """ assert isinstance(self.__stored_assets, Assets) self.__assets = copy.deepcopy(self.__stored_assets) del self.__stored_assets self.__stored_assets = None
[docs] def p_param(self, param_name, param_value=None): """ If param_value is None, return named parameter in embedded Specification object. If param_value is not None, set named parameter in embedded Specification object to specified param_value and return None (which can be ignored). Args: param_name (string): parameter name param_value (python object): value to set parameter to Returns: None """ if param_value is None: return getattr(self.__p, param_name) setattr(self.__p, param_name, param_value) return None
@property def current_year(self): """ Calculator class current calendar year property. """ return self.__p.year @property def data_year(self): """ Calculator class initial (i.e., first) assets data year property. """ return self.__assets.data_year def __f(self, x): """ Private method. A function to compute sums and weighted averages from a groubpy object. Args: x (Pandas DataFrame): data for the particular grouping Returns: d (Pandas Series): computed variables for the group """ d = {} d["assets"] = x["assets"].sum() d["delta"] = wavg(x, "delta", "assets") d["rho_mix"] = wavg(x, "rho_mix", "assets") d["rho_d"] = wavg(x, "rho_d", "assets") d["rho_e"] = wavg(x, "rho_e", "assets") d["z_mix"] = wavg(x, "z_mix", "assets") d["z_d"] = wavg(x, "z_d", "assets") d["z_e"] = wavg(x, "z_e", "assets") d["Y"] = wavg(x, "Y", "assets") return pd.Series( d, index=[ "assets", "delta", "rho_mix", "rho_d", "rho_e", "z_mix", "z_d", "z_e", "Y", ], )