Get marginal tax rates from Tax-Calculator

Get marginal tax rates from Tax-Calculator#



ccc.get_taxcalc_rates.get_calculator(calculator_start_year, baseline_policy=None, reform=None, data='cps', gfactors=None, weights=None, records_start_year=2011)[source]#

This function creates the tax calculator object for the microsim model.

Note: gfactors and weights are only used if provide custom data path or file with those gfactors and weights. Otherwise, the model defaults to those gfactors and weights from Tax-Calculator.

  • calculator_start_year (integer) – first year of budget window

  • baseline_policy (dictionary) – IIT baseline parameters

  • reform (dictionary) – IIT reform parameters

  • data (string or Pandas DataFrame) – path to file or DataFrame for Tax-Calculator Records object (optional)

  • gfactors (str or DataFrame) – grow factors to extrapolate data

  • weights (DataFrame) – weights DataFrame for Tax-Calculator Records object (optional)

  • records_start_year (integer) – the start year for the data and weights dfs


TC Calculator object

with a current_year equal to calculator_start_year

Return type:

calc1 (Tax Calculator Calculator object)

ccc.get_taxcalc_rates.get_rates(start_year=2024, baseline_policy=None, reform={}, data='cps', gfactors=None, weights=None, records_start_year=2011)[source]#

This function computes weighted average marginal tax rates using micro data from the tax calculator

  • start_year (integer) – start year for the simulations

  • baseline_policy (dict) – baseline parameters

  • reform (dict) – reform parameters

  • data (string or Pandas DataFrame) – path to file or DataFrame for Tax-Calculator Records object (optional)

  • gfactors (Tax-Calculator GrowFactors object) – grow factors

  • weights (str) – path to weights file for Tax-Calculator Records object

  • records_start_year (integer) – the start year for the microdata


individual income (IIT+payroll)

marginal tax rates

Return type:

individual_rates (dict)